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During these challenging times, we are finding ways we can come together. Here are a list of events that we are hosting virtually, free to join by individuals around the world. Please check back regularly, as we will be continuing to update this page.



Upcoming Events


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Previous Events


Global Medical Student Contributions to the COVID-19 Response (CMSA, InciSioN, Operation Smile, Students4COVID, Federation of African Medical Students Association)

The global COVID pandemic threatens to overwhelm health systems around the world. Most of the dialogue on the COVID-19 response has focused on the work of graduate physicians, nurses, and other health workers. There has been little attention paid to the valuable contributions of health professional students. Operation Smile is partnering with medical student associations around the world to highlight the contributions of medical students, and to help them navigate the post-COVID world. See: FlyerAgenda 


Global Unity Celebration

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, medical school graduations are either being canceled or being planned virtually. Globally, medical students in the class of 2020 are graduating early to join others on the frontlines in service to their communities, as newly donned physicians during a pandemic which cast them out of the hospital initially. In light of the new normal of social distancing, quarantine and in a time of isolation, we want to stand in solidarity with the Class of 2020. We want to celebrate and stand united as we welcome them into the art and the craft of medicine by reciting our sacred vow of service. Students4COVID hosted a celebration of the medical student Class of 2020, their faculty, and all physicians around the world, reciting the sacred Hippocratic Oath together as ONE community of physicians and surgeons, in all languages, in unison.





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